14 June 2006

Half-Alive, Half-Dead

Sorry for the lack of updates (relatively), but I've been rather busy in the past couple of days over the NUS Physics Open House 2006. It is an event organised by Physics Society, with secondary school students as the audience. It's really hard to believe the amount and kind of stuff that needs to be done, such arranging the registration to proceed smoothly, reading through reports for the airlift competition, as well as shifting a mountainful of goodie bags up to the LT (which, I must perhaps strangely say, was more tiring than any event in my ICT in the week before).

In any case, today was the first day, and it has passed rather smoothly. A few hiccups here and there are pretty much inevitable. Tomorrow will be another long day, and Friday will see this Open House conclude with a half-day event. Hopefully, all goes fine.

At least tonight I can get to enjoy a decent rest at home. Yesterday was hectic, and I only got sleep at about 3 a.m., and woke up at 6. It has been a rather busy day... Now, I think I'm half-dead...

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