25 February 2006


I arranged and took my IPPT test last Wednesday in Bedok Camp 2. Should've arranged the venue at Maju camp, but I didn't knew then that I'd be in school for that week (it was term break).

It was a bit nostalgic to be back. First thing I noticed is that the Bedok Camp 2 sign outside at the main road had a few letters missing, and a few other were taped back with masking tape. Frankly, it didn't really surprise me. Then on my way to the FCC, I met Sgt Collin... He still recognised me (but it was I who greeted him first), but you must look at his face when he saw my hair... haha!

Where was I? Yes... IPPT... Firstly, everything was electronic now. Sit Up, Chin Up, all taken by a machine (with a PTI looking on, of course). My main worry was SBJ, but managed to hit 234 cm (4 points). Phew! Then I forgot there was shuttle run, so I was worried I might not pass it. But something must be wrong with the machine, for I came in 9.4 s, which was easily the fastest I've ever ran in a shuttle run.

Oh yeah, 2.4 km run. I finished 10:46 min, a far cry from my one-year-ago's 9:30+ min. Well, I must be getting old, really. But I got silver and, more importantly, I cleared my IPPT for the year. One less worry for now! (But ∞ - 1 is still ∞...)

The Beginning of It All

Here it is. The inaugural post. I initially wanted to host this blog on the SPS server together with my website, but FTP has been disabled by the server, so that's not an option.

I have a few items in mind, but don't expect frequent posts.

Oh yeah, don't ask me what a boson is. If you know, good. If you don't, I probably can't explain it to you anyway.